California School DASHBOARD
Sultana High Dashboard Profile

California Department of Education
Sultana High CDE Profile

Comprehensive School Safety Plan
Available for review upon request

School Accountability Report Cards
Hard copies available upon request.
SARC - Eng (PDF)
SARC - Span (PDF)

Single Plan for Student Achievement
Hard copies available upon request. 
SPSA - Eng (PDF)
SPSA - Span (PDF)

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The LCAP is a tool for local educational agencies to set goals, plan actions, and leverage resources to meet those goals to improve student outcomes.

See the HUSD LCAP webpage for more information.


The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, (ACS WASC) accredits K-12 schools and not-for-profit, non-degree granting postsecondary institutions.

WASC Reports


17311 Sultana Street
Hesperia, CA 92345

(760) 947-6777

(760) 947-6788

Office Hours
7:00 am - 3:00 pm

Student Store Hours

7:00 AM-7:30 AM, Nutrition, and Lunch

School Theme
School of College Preparation, Career Pathways, and Community Service

Mission Statement
The mission of Sultana high school is to graduate all students college and career ready

Vision Statement
We envision Sultana High School as a safe, intellectually challenging environment where staff, parents, and community work in partnership to provide rigorous academic and career training through customized guidance and support for all students. We will build relationships with technical schools, colleges, and universities to ease the transition to higher education and high skill, high-demand, high-wage careers.

School Colors
Teal and Black


Social Media Hashtags
#wearesultana, #onceasultanalwaysasultan, #tealtide, #IMPACTthefutureHUSD

Value Statement
The Sultana High community understands that staff behaviors are the cornerstone to advancing our school’s Mission, Vision, and Values. Sultana High School staff collectively and individually commit to the following practices:

  • We value a safe, creative, caring and intellectually challenging environment and will provide it for our students and ourselves

  • We value caring for our entire school community and will exemplify it through our behaviors.

  • We value accountability and will model it for and encourage it in our students.

  • We value a collaborative community and will work with students, parents, the community, and ourselves to solve problems and promote a climate of success for all.

  • We value powerful teaching and learning and will apply proven, effective classroom learning strategies to help students succeed in the learning what they need to pursue their life goals.

  • We value professional growth and will promote professional development for our colleagues and ourselves.

  • We value learning and will require students to complete all assignments and tasks which will ensure responsibility and educational growth.

  • We value a clean, aesthetically pleasing campus and will ensure that Sultana has both. 


SYNTHESIZE - Read, write, synthesize, and apply information and knowledge that will enable them to be successful in a chosen career pathway.
UTILIZE TECHNOLOGY - Use technology in and out of the classroom to be successful in an ever- changing technological world.
LIFE & CAREER GOALS - Set short term as well as life and career goals and demonstrate an ability to manage time effectively.
THINK CRITICALLY - Use mathematical reasoning, critical thinking, and organizational strategies to solve real-world problems.
ACADEMIC & CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY - Participate in activities that demonstrate both academic and civic responsibilities.
NETWORK - Become and independent learner who can effectively communicate ideas and cooperatively work with others in a diverse world.