What is ASB Leadership?
ASB leadership is an elective based on principles of integrity and diligence. As one of the many student-led clubs on campus, leadership students are expected to excel in all areas to set a proper example for their peers. Expect a whirl of fun challenges and bonding experiences with a team like no other. The course does require skills like time-management and perseverance, but allows students to learn to collaborate and communicate efficiently in hopes that the fruits of their labor provide excellent high school experiences for everyone on campus. Those who yearn for adventure with avid dedication thrive in this fast-paced course meant to teach students what it truly means to be a leader.
How can I be involved?
Interested students will apply in mid April. Applications will be posted on your Activities Google Classroom and interviews will be conducted from those who have been selected. If you have any additional questions, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Wiedeman via email or stop by the ASB Activities office.
How can I run for a Class Officer position?
Class Officers are elected students who govern the ASB class. Election information will be shared via the Activities Google Classroom in early April. No experience is required to run, there will be an informational meeting prior to the start of elections.